Fellowship With Us

Wesleyan Youth



Children's Club meets at 6:00 P.M. on Tuesdays. CCC is now taking the place of CYC, our Christian scouting program. It is for children in kindergarten through fifth grade. Each night there will be songs, crafts, activities, Bible lessons, refreshments, and prayers.  We are looking to do service projects and outdoor adventures when the weather allows. The children learn valuable Christian principles and life skills under dynamic leadership.

Sunday School is on Sundays at 11:30 AM (during the service). It is for children and teenagers. There are age appropriate activities that reinforce the Bible and the Biblical lessons taught that morning.

Our Vacation Bible School is the best in the South Bay. It teaches children Christian principles and are centered around having fun. Every Summer we take our church kids to Alpine Christian Camp in the San Bernardino Mountains. They take nature hikes, sing songs, make crafts, play paintball, swim, and learn to love God deeply.

There is a nursery for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers during Sunday School / church.



Teen Time meets at 6:00 P.M. on Mondays for both Middle School and High School students. Learning the Bible and developing Christian character is fun and interesting. There are also monthly excursions.

Adult Fellowship


Home Bible Studies

Home Bible Studies look at applying truths from books of the Bible and questions of interest. Currently, we have two small group sessions meeting at the church on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. If you are interested in having one meet at your home, please contact the pastors. A women's Bible study occurs every other Monday. Please contact us for details if interested.


Prayer Meetings

Prayer Meetings meet on Thursday evenings around 8:15. We pray for personal needs, the church, and the world.  We also celebrate answered prayers and share praise reports. Our Heavenly Father listens to prayers.  This has a fluid start time, so if you would like to attend, please call ahead to confirm.


Young Adult Fellowship

Young Adult Fellowship meets on Fridays. We go over current issues and obstacles young people deal with in relation to living their faith in a secular world.

Worshiping the Lord through music in the church is enhanced by a praise band, soloists, and a lively pianist. Drama adds excitement to the Word.

The church sponsors co-ed softball teams in a Christian fellowship league. We also have some family game nights throughout the year.